Casino Industry Still Hopeful about Skill-Based Gambling

Home » Casino Industry Still Hopeful about Skill-Based Gambling

Posted on: November 22, 2017, 12:03. Last updated on: November 27, 2024, 13:00.

Skill-based gambling was supposed to be the savior of the casino industry, bringing in new, younger gamblers. Millennials have never been all that interested in gambling, something which has been worrying many casinos. Skill-based gambling was meant to be the answer to this, and help attract younger players to the casino floor. Unfortunately, it hasn’t quite worked out that way so far.

Casino industry hopeful skill-based gambling will improve

The casino industry is still hopeful that skill-based gambling will improve. This is despite the reception it has had so far.

Skill-Based Gambling Reception Lukewarm

While the reception to skill-based gambling machines has been lukewarm at best, most casinos still believe they will play a part in the long-term future of the gambling industry. This is especially true when it comes to attracting the younger players.

A gambling consultant recently spoke to the press and stated how important it is for casinos to get new games, as they thrive on offering new gaming experiences to players. The consultant is sure that skill-based gambling machines will become more popular and widespread in the future and that the gambling industry needs to focus on the long term, not the disappointing short-term results.

Skill-Based Gambling Needs to Expand

Skill-based gambling machines haven’t had the best start. They appeared on some gambling floors in Atlantic City, including Caesars. But just six months later, they were removed from Caesars’ properties. The reason was that the games were not generating enough income to cover their licencing fees. Some casinos have stuck with them though, despite the fact that the revenues have been less than ideal.

The other issue is that many jurisdictions do not allow skill-based gambling games. Gambling games need to have fixed odds, and skill-based games allow better players to have a greater chance of winning. In order for these types of games to really take off, legislation needs to catch up and allow for skill-based titles. Casinos will probably also have to increase their marketing efforts.

Pennsylvania is another jurisdiction that that would like to see skill-based games permitted. Now that the state is going ahead with its gambling expansion, many people are wondering when skill-based games will be part of the expansion.

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