Google Announces Gambling Ads Approval

Home » Google Announces Gambling Ads Approval

Posted on: October 21, 2019, 15:46. Last updated on: November 27, 2024, 12:49.

Google has announced that it will change its advertising policies with regards to online casino advertising in the United States. The gambling industry in the USA has continued to see plenty of changes in recent years. This includes the rise in popularity that casino sites have experienced. Google further stated that changes in their policy will be implemented in the first quarter of 2020. This will see the removal of the advertising ban.

Recently, Google mentioned that it will now permit sports betting adverts in various US states including; Montana, Iowa, Rhode Island, Indiana and Pennsylvania.  The tech giant further mentioned that it will review its gambling ads policies in other countries, such as Nigeria, Colombia and Kenya. In order for casino sites and sports betting sites operators to have their ads displayed by Google, they need to ensure that they are certified by Google first.

Google United States

Changes to Google’s Advertising Policy

The only time Google will permit gambling ads to be shown is if the relevant gambling platforms are recognized by the company. This way, the gambling platforms will be able to advertise real-money gambling in its various platforms. Certification from Google will also allow operators to promote sites that have gambling content or links to gambling content. This includes promotional packages, such as bonuses, offered by operators as well as any other gambling-related content.

Google took the decision to permit sports wagering adverts in New Jersey back in June. This means that gambling operators that region can apply for Google Adwords provided they have the necessary licenses.  Chris Harrison, Head of Financial Trading and E-Gaming at Google Industry, stated that all operators in the region have applied for the AdWords.

Policy Regarding Gambling Ads Changes

Even though Google is not interested in dabbling in the gambling industry, its recent policy changes show that perception around the industry seems to be changing. Harrison mentioned that the tech company will remain committed to technological advancements and being an advertising partner.

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