Posted on: May 22, 2019, 09:41. Last updated on: November 27, 2024, 12:51.
Most of the time we might have imagined that all lottery winners are living their best lives and happily ever after. However, that isn’t the reality for most of the winners. Regardless of their monetary status, most lotto winners live like the rest of us, with their own problems to deal with. In most of these cases, more money means more difficulties. Well, it might be a great feeling to have won the lottery, as many of us wish to. Everyone dreams of it: to have a small piece of paper with correct numbers printed on it and winning one of the life-changing millions or even billion jackpots. But what really takes place after you win?
Various winners decide to remain unidentified or at least try to, but that can be a bit difficult when most states demand winners of big jackpots to show their faces at news conferences. Some lotto winners have dealt with the pressure of becoming instant millionaires better than others. In the meantime, some went totally off the radar! Read on for more on the lottery winners and what they have been up to.
Lottery Winners FAQ
There might be questions such as who won the largest lottery ever?
The Mega Millions jackpot was on $1.6 billion. Here is the of the 5 prime US lotto prizes ever:
- $1.586 billion – Powerball
- $758.7 million – Powerball
- $656 million – Mega Millions
- $648 million – Mega Millions
- $590.5 million -Powerball
Who is the wealthiest lottery winner?
$590.5 million, which was won on May 18, 2013. Gloria Mackenzie from Florida was the only winner of a Powerball jackpot that was worth over $590 million in May 2013. At the time, it was the biggest jackpot ever to be won by one person.
Do lotto winners ever go broke?
There are lottery winners who have gone bankrupt just a few years after they have won the biggest jackpots. At most of the times, these winners turn to spend more and buy or purchase things that they don’t even need.
US Powerball Jackpot Winners
The biggest ever lottery jackpot in history, was the $1.586 billion Powerball jackpot back, won on January 13, 2016. The money was split between the three winning ticket-holders. Each winner took an equal share of the jackpot.
Lisa and John Robinson ($327.8M Win)
Since they have won the Powerball, the Robinsons have upgraded to a multi-million-dollar home, with home theatre and also a private lake. On January 13, 2016, the Robinsons won a third of the historical $1.58 billion Powerball jackpot.
David Kaltschmidt and Maureen Smith (327.8M Win)
Maureen and David still continue to purchase lotto tickets. Other than a few of their luxury buys, the two have kept up with their old routines. Maureen Smith and David Kaltschmidt continued to live a modest lifestyle even after their Powerball win
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