Donation to Trump Provokes Federal Online Gambling Ban Fear

Home » Donation to Trump Provokes Federal Online Gambling Ban Fear

Posted on: April 21, 2017, 06:45. Last updated on: November 27, 2024, 13:03.

There are fears at the moment that United States Attorney General, Jeff Sessions, could be considering banning online gambling at the Federal level. This would mean that States no longer have any say and all online gambling in the United States would have to cease. It must be stressed that this is just a rumor at this stage, with people suggesting that Sessions was going to revisit the Department of Justice’s opinion on online gambling, which is something that he has promised to do in the past.

Online gambling ban fears - Jeff Sessions

Donation to Trump fuels fears about online gambling ban

It was also revealed recently by the Federal Election Commission that Sheldon Adelson, who is known for his disdain of online gambling, donated $5 million to President Trump’s inauguration. He also donated around $11 million to Trump and Trump-affiliated PACs during his election campaign. This information has done little to ease fears.

It was also reported recently that Adelson had donated around $20 million to a GOP PAC known as the Senate Leadership Fund. Days after this donation was made, the Restoration of America’s Wire Act was reintroduced to the Senate.

Trump unlikely to support online gambling ban

The good news is that a ban on online gambling is unlikely to sit well with President Trump. The President is known to be very pro-business and is not fond of any regulations that might hinder businesses. In fact, back in 2011, Trump said during an interview that the USA needed to allow online gambling as it was being legalized all over the world. And the United States was missing out.

Restoring the America’s Wire Act is also unpopular for other reasons as it completely disregards a States rights. Many members of the USA online casino industry have spoken out and said that States are best equipped to regulate online gambling. Banning it on a Federal level will only cause online casinos to move offshore, where states cannot regulate it, and this would put consumers at risk.

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