Posted on: October 23, 2019, 13:50. Last updated on: November 27, 2024, 12:49.
The Union of European Football Association (UEFA) published a post recently stating that they would require assistance in fighting match-fixing in soccer. As a result, one of the leading football leagues in the world then launched a program that would find a person to conduct a possibility study. The main reason for this was to determine different approaches to increase football’s capability to prosecute and uncover all cases of rigged or fixed games.
This offer is open to any organization or person that will be able to complement the current structures that challenge match-fixing. According to UEFA’s announcement, some of these organizations include groups such as EUROPOL, ICPO Interpol, the council of Europe’s Macolin Convention and many others that are part of the football league’s 55 members.
Details – UEFA Attends to Match Fixing
The requirements of the tender offer state that the entity or the entities that will be selected to do the study will need to respond to a couple of critical issues. These crucial matters include the main problems that are faced by soccer in Europe related to match-fixing, consultation with stakeholders, benchmarking and other possible structures that might help address the issues of preventing match rigging.
Lately, rigged matches have grown to be a severe problem in different countries, and UEFA has recognized the need to demolish this. The renewed partnership between Sportradar and Bundesliga that happened a couple of months is expected to help, and Spain as well, saw the matter reaching the legislative chambers for further discussion. It is reported that the government of Spain is currently exploring the option of creating a governing commission specifically to supervise the soccer industry.
In the announcement, the president of UEFA, Aleksander ÄŒeferin mentioned that they need to do as much as they can to stop match-fixing as he believes that individually and collectively, they have not been doing enough. He further mentions that the most essential thing is co-operation between the different governments because the main issue has always been that even if they are aware of many things, every case must be prosecuted.
Čeferin goes on to say that the central issue of this is that their jurisdiction ends at the soccer field; no phones are tapped, and no people are placed in prison. So, according to him, the study will then look into ways of bringing together the different actors on this matter, and he ends by saying that they are working on it together and not isolation. Their primary mandate is to challenge what has become a significant threat to sports’ integrity.
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